Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Bryson!

I will post about Christmas later, when I have time to download all the pictures. But ...tomorrow is Bryson's 7th birthday. I can't believe it. It's funny we all say that our children are blessings, but he really is mine. If I wouldn't have had him when I did I would probably be a different person. Here are a list of amazing things about my little guy:

1. He has such a tender heart.
2. Bryson is a wonderful big brother, he is always teaching Kira. Some are really naughty things, ha ha, but overall he trys to "make her as smart as him" as he puts it.
3. He is constantly trying to take care of me. His soul is so caring and giving.
4. He LOVES science, he is constantly making experiments. He has such a curious mind.
5. Bryson is soo smart. He knows facts about animals, reptiles, dinosaurs, organs in the body, etc. and probably more than the rest of us put together.
6. He loves "movie nights". His favorites are Planet Earth or any scary movie. ha ha ( I know, what kind of mother am I?)
7. His favorite TV show is Family Guy. (I know lay off .. you can blame his father for that one).
8. His favorite food is Pizza and cereal; that kid could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
9. Bryson collects fossils or skeletons of different items and he takes such good care of them, probably the only thing he owns that is completely organized and has its very own spot.
10. Bryson loves books. His favorites are his Dinosaur Encylopedia, bird sound player, Reptile Facts, and Science Experiments for everday of the year.

I love you Bryson, you're such a wonderful son and brother. I hope you have a great day. Thank you for the things you have and continue to teach me. Your the best thing in my life. Happy Birthday Buddy!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wow! I can't believe he is 7!! Time flies by. He is such a cutie!